
Girl I Never Thought I'd Be

I am turning into the girl I never thought I'd be. I never thought I'd be outdoorsy. Or able to walk out of my house with dirty hair. Or a 100%, whole grain, organic, raw fruits & veggies type of eater. Or easily distracted by all-natural products. Or excited about my sun-kissed freckly-face. Or the "why not?" questioner. I am a girl on a journey to God-knows where, to do God knows what. I have made a home in Ruston, LA for the past 6 years--marked by graduating Louisiana Tech, interning and now on staff as a missionary with Chi Alpha Campus Ministry. I never thought I'd be the girl to receive mail addressed to Reverend. Or the girl that would say yes to Africa. But that is me, the girl with a heart completely in love with a country an ocean away. I never thought I'd be a "blogger". So, here it is, "Bri's African Adventure"...or my attempt to keep everyone up to speed on my upcoming move to Zambia for 10 months. Or blogging may just be a therapeutic outlet to help with my craziness. Enjoy me turning into God's hand-crafted version of the girl He wants me to be!


Tony Putman said...

We're so proud of you and your accomplishments! You are an incredible asset to God's Kingdom, live in humility and you'll blindside the enemy's plans to distort the minds of all humanity! love you!

Anonymous said...

Bri! This is awesome! You are a super amazing girl and I am excited to see what God does with you and through you. Stay cool. -David

Angie said...

So glad you are going to be part of the Dirty Africa Missions Network! :D

Brianne Childress said...

thanks y'all! :) & angie, one word...

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